The subtitle of the Macmillan story reads, “Bringing authors and readers together since 1843.” We need you to ask them why that has changed.
- Email Macmillan CEO John Sargent to voice your concerns about its new policy.
- Tweet to Macmillan and your Twitter followers that you stand for #ebooksforall.
- Sign the petition. Hundreds of thousands have already signed.
Email Macmillan CEO John Sargent to voice your concerns about its new policy. Please be respectful.
To: [email protected]
Copy all or part of the following to create your email:
Dear Mr. Sargent:
The subtitle of The Macmillan Story reads, “Bringing authors and readers together since 1843.”
Being the one who takes the work of incredible creatives and thought leaders and placing it in the hands of people all over the world is a great achievement. Kudos to you.
But you can’t deny that libraries achieve that too and drive sales for publishers.
My library, Sacramento Public Library, spends millions each year purchasing books, and they increase ebook checkouts year-over-year. At the end of November, patrons like me will check out more than two million digital titles — that is a million more than last year!
There is demand at the library, and for you to turn away from that is a diversion from your story. I’m asking you to reconsider your new policy regarding library purchases of new digital titles. Books — in any format — should not be a luxury.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Reach Macmillan and your Twitter followers to let them know that you stand for #ebooksforall. Post all or one.
@MacmillanUSA Books should not be a luxury. Please release your hold on new digital titles and allow libraries to purchase access for their readers. #ebooksforall
I have to wait to read new digital titles because @MacmillanUSA will only allow libraries to purchase one copy of an ebook. Books are not a luxury. #ebooksforall
@MacmillanUSA tells a story about how they’ve been connecting authors and reading since 1843. Now, they need to reshelve it as a work of fiction. Did you know they only allow libraries to purchase one digital copy of new releases? Books are not a luxury. #ebooksforall
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The American Library Association has started a petition. Hundreds of thousands have already signed. After you email Macmillan CEO John Sargent, sign the petition too.