Sacramento Public Library honors Native American Heritage Month, which acknowledges and celebrates the voices and experiences of Indigenous peoples. We invite you to celebrate with us year-round by exploring the materials that are available in our catalog.
A great way to honor Native American Heritage Month is by reading books by Native American authors and illustrators. Learn more:
Featured Titles with California Native Authors/Illustrators
Join us by reading books by California Native authors and illustrators. The following #OwnVoice book lists were developed by the Sacramento Public Library’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Team. #OwnVoices specifies authors from under-represented and marginalized groups, who write from their own perspectives and experiences. Author Corinne Duyvis is credited for starting the #OwnVoice movement in 2015.
Coyote at Big Time: A California Indian 123 by Lyn Risling (Karuk, Yurok, Hupa) |
A is for Acorn: A California Indian ABC by Lyn Risling (Karuk, Yurok, Hupa) |
At the Mountains Base by Traci Sorell (Cherokee Nation), illustrated by Weshoyot Alvitre (Tongva, Scots Gaelic) |
Waa’aka The Bird Who Fell in Love with the Sun by Cindi Alvitre (Tongva), illustrated by Carly Lake |
Ghost River: The Fall and Rise of the Conestoga by Lee Francis 4 (Laguna Pueblo), illustrated by Weshoyot Alvitre (Tongva, Scots Gaelic) |
Soldiers Unknown by Chag Lowry (Yurok, Maidu, Achumawi), illustrated by Rahsan Ekedal |
She Sang Me a Good Luck Song by Dugan Aguilar (Mountain Maidu, Pit River, Walker River Paiute) |
How A Mountain Was Made by Greg Sarris (Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria) |
Bird Songs Don't Lie by Gordon Lee Johnson (Cupeño, Cahuilla) |
Recommend a Title
If you don’t see an item listed in our catalog, recommend it. Send us suggestions and we’ll consider it for our collection. All you have to do is sign in with your library card and fill out a simple form. You can recommend as many as three titles at a time, up to 30 per year.
Native American Heritage Book Lists Selected By Library Staff
For Adults
For Teens
For School Age Children
Picture Books