Vote at the Library

Helping our community vote safely and securely since 2014
August 22, 2021
I am proud of so many things that Sacramento Public Library has done to connect our community to the world of ideas, to promote literacy and to create opportunities for people to gather. We have a reputation for making things happen. One thing I’m especially proud of is that the Library has been helping our community vote safely and securely since 2014. Our role has been significant and has grown with each election cycle.
The County Registrar of Voters summed it up during an email exchange several weeks ago:

“Words can’t even express what your support and the Friends of the Library participation has meant in terms of providing access to our elections, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Between hosting vote centers where voters can vote in-person, or hosting a drop box and tending to it outside during the pandemic, to your staff being “all-hands-on-deck” and be willing to work with us – it means more than you know and there is no way we would be as successful as we are without [Sacramento Public Library]. Period.”

Of course, her words make me incredibly proud and grateful that the Library has played such a critical role in our community and makes it easier for all of us to exercise our right to vote. And I hope that we will all sing our favorite voting song when we drop our signed and dated ballot. Whatever it might be, don’t forget to vote!