Library facilities are available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of groups or individuals requesting their use. Permission to use SPLA facilities is not an endorsement or sponsorship of any group, individual, organization or event.
These regulations apply to public use of library facilities for activities and communications that are not offered by or co-sponsored by the Library, the Sacramento Public Library Foundation, or the Friends of the Sacramento Public Library.
These regulations apply to the use of any library facilities including, but not limited to, meeting rooms, bulletin boards, display cases, distribution racks, and outdoor areas.
Non-Commercial Uses Only
Public use of library facilities is limited to non-commercial purposes. Excluded are activities and communication engaged in or carried on to aid or facilitate the present of future generation of business revenues, including the selling, offering for sale and solicitation for future delivery or performance of any product, campaign or service. Also excluded are informational or educational events related to the business activities of the user and non-profit.
Exception: Presenters may sell their works to attendees during SPL sponsored events with prior approval and Friends may fundraise.
Any applicant for use of a library facility who believes that these regulations have been improperly applied to the applicant may appeal the Branch/Central Supervisor’s decision to the Public Services Manager for the branch. The Public Services Manager shall review the position of the applicant and of the Branch Supervisor and shall determine the proper application of these regulations. The Public Services Manager may meet with the applicant or may proceed based upon a written submittal from the applicant. The Public Services Manager may consult with other library staff and Authority Counsel. The decision of the Public Services Manager shall be final.
Facilities by Type