Code of Conduct

Sacramento Public Library inspires our communities to discover, learn and grow.

This is your library.
We strive to create a community of kindness, belonging and safety.
 We respectfully ask that everyone:

Use spaces as intended

Sleeping, smoking, consuming alcohol and drug use are not permitted. Restrooms are intended for toilet use and handwashing only. Covered drinks and reasonable snacking are ok, but please enjoy meals outside.

Be considerate

Loud and unreasonable noise must be taken outside of the library.

Communicate with respect

Obscene, harassing, abusive language, gestures or behaviors are not allowed.

Act responsibly

Violating any law, ordinance or regulation is not allowed. We want our libraries to be a welcoming place for everyone. Those disrupting the intended use of the library will be asked to leave. Comply with staff requests.

Enjoy your visit

Please contact the Customer Care Team at 916-264-2826 if you would like to share your library experience with us.

Fine print

Use spaces as intended
Sleeping, smoking, consuming alcohol or drug use is not permitted. Restrooms are intended for toilet use and handwashing only. Covered drinks and reasonable snacking are ok, but please enjoy meals outside.

  • Keep your belongings near you; otherwise items may become lost or stolen.
  • Keep entries, exits and aisles open.
  • Enjoy meals outside of the library; covered drinks and reasonable snacking is ok, but please keep food away from computers.
  • Take care of library property and materials for the enjoyment of everyone.
  • Restrooms are for handwashing and toilet use.
  • Take care of computers and ask for help when needed.
  • We ask that furniture stay where it is placed.
  • We understand that everyone dozes off, but be aware that you will be asked to stay awake for your safety.
  • Enjoy roller and wheeled sports equipment outside (e.g. bikes, skates, and scooters including electric versions)
  • Large items reduce the overall space for library enjoyment (average maximum size should not exceed 18" X 15" or overall 32").
  • Wheeled transportation for adults and children is allowed, such as wheelchairs and bsaby strollers.

Be considerate
Loud and unreasonable noise must be taken outside of the library.

  • Cell phones are ok when used quietly.
  • Staff will address the source of offensive odors.
  • Shoes and clothing are required.

Communicate with respect
Obscene, harassing, abusive language or gestures are not allowed.

  • Staff are here to help. Ask for assistance.
  • Respect fellow library users when you talk to them.
  • Offensive noise, language and gestures detract from others’ library experience and are not allowed.

Act responsibly
Violating any law, ordinance or regulation is not allowed. We want our libraries to be a welcoming place for everyone. Those disrupting the intended use of the library may be asked to leave.

  • We want children to be safe. Keep them under your care. Children under the age of 8 need to be supervised.
  • Respect one another; concerns about fellow library patrons should be addressed to library staff.
  • Violating any law, ordinance or regulation is not allowed; including library policies. Weapons are not allowed in the library including firearms, knives or any item used in a threatening manner. Security personnel will take action when any of the following occur: physical assault, report of weapon; smoking, use of tobacco products; behavior that demonstrates a person being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • We love animals, but only service animals as defined under the law are allowed inside. Service animals that are aggressive, uncontrolled, or not housebroken will also be excluded from the library until it can be demonstrated that theyare not a direct threat.
  • Agressive soliciting and panhandling, as prohibited by Penal Code 647 (c) are unlawful and may not take place.
Code of Conduct, August 2024