Interlibrary Loan Request

Can't find what you're looking for in our catalog? Let us help.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows cardholders to borrow books, articles, and microfilm that are not owned by the Sacramento Public Library. ILL is a cooperative effort among many libraries in North America.
Submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request
Send us a request for an Interlibrary Loan and we'll help you find the material you are looking for using the form below. View our lending agreement.

Please note that we cannot accept ILL requests if the item is owned by the Sacramento Public Library or owned by a Link+ library; your account is a teacher, student or temporary card; or your account has any unpaid charges.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

I am looking for a:

Please complete the appropriate section below to complete your request.
Book/Audiovisual Request

Article Request

Microform/Microfiche Request
All microfilm and microfiche are held at the Central Library for in-library use only.


Frequently Asked Questions

How many ILL requests can I make?
You may have a total of four ILL requests / items checked out at a time.
How will I know when my item arrives?
Items may take up to four to six weeks to arrive. You will be notified by email once it becomes available and the item will show in your account page as ready to pick up.
How do I renew ILL items?
Materials may be eligible for renewal with consent of the lending library. Items that are not renewable will be noted on the ILL label. Email us at [email protected] to request a renewal before the due date. Library staff will contact you after the lending library responds. Overdue items are not eligible for renewal. 
What is the cost?
Sacramento Public Library does not charge for ILL requests. However, some lenders may charge a fee, which would be passed on to you. You will always be notified of any fees before we request an item that requires fees be paid. 
What if I lose or damage an item?
For a lost or damaged item, ILL replacement fees are set by the owning library. Email us at [email protected] to discuss payment options.