
A strong reader is set up to succeed.

Developing a love of reading doesn’t happen overnight. Let us help with programs and services that make reading fun.

  • Readers who read for fun are usually stronger readers
  • Reading skills strengthen the ability to learn across all academic subjects, not just reading
  • And equally important, reading books, especially fiction, fosters emotional development and empathy

OverDrive Ebooks and Audiobooks for Kids
Browse by recommended books or grade level and take your books, audiobooks and comics on the go. 

Check out the Hoopla Kids Mode to find video, music and books for younger audiences.

Track your reading and receive recommendations based on your children's age and interests year round.

Strengthen early reading skills with animated, read-along ebooks. Recommended for children ages three to eight, you’ll find paired fiction and nonfiction books on topics for every interest.

Email reading recommendations
Answer six simple questions about books (or audiobooks) and authors you enjoy and we’ll email you five recommendations selected just for you.

MakeMake is a digital library specially designed for Spanish-speaking children and young people. Here you will find 800 interactive storybooks, illustrated stories, comics, novels and poetry to read at home, in your library or in the classroom. For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome on your PC or Android and Safari on iOS devices, or try our mobile app for Android or Apple.

Teaching Books
  • Teaching Books for Libraries Enriches the reading experience for pre-school through young adult readers with read-alongs, interviews with favorite authors, book trailers, games, and much more.
  • Teaching Books for Schools Provides a wealth of support for Pre-K-12 educators with teaching ideas, instructional support, supplementary activities, and more to help deepen connections of students with books and reading.

Recommended Reads for Kids
Captivating books to read for fun, selected by our librarians.

Have Questions?
My kids have read all the books we have at home already, how can we get more?

Our librarians, would love to help you find some great reads to enjoy at home as a family. If you need some inspiration, try our personalized reading recommendations and we’ll send you a list of titles.

Or send us a Personal Shopper request, and we’ll prepare a customized selection that you can pickup curbside.

How can I find books for leveled reading programs, like Accelerated Reader?

The advanced search in our catalog has filters for AR Bookfinder, Lexile and Reading Counts, which will let you search by a specific reading level and library location. They're also listed in the catalog record details for most titles.

Do you offer tween or teen book clubs?

We host a Tween Comic Book Club on the second Friday of each month at 4 p,m, on Facebook Live. 

Contact Us