Baby Storytime videos bring early learning to Instagram

Tips for new caregivers to build confidence and have fun with their baby
February 11, 2021
Baby Storytime at Home videos are now available on Instagram @SacLib. Every other Monday morning, our librarians will share a new activity to do with a baby, an early learning tip and a bite-sized video less than a minute long for caregivers to follow along. All videos will then be on  our Instagram “highlight” reel for easy access to repeat viewing.
Baby-Storytime-Promo-Photo.pngAn essential goal of Baby Storytime is to provide new caregivers an opportunity to learn fresh songs, bounces, rhymes, or tickles to share with babies, while also building confidence and community. Like Baby Storytime at your library, our virtual Baby Storytime at Home, aims to provide caregivers with an array of developmentally appropriate activities perfect for infants, babies, or even toddlers.
The fun doesn’t stop there. Keep an eye on our Instagram story feed throughout the week for whimsical and entertaining tips, book suggestions, and quizzes related to our bi-weekly activities that support and cheer on caregivers as they build a Baby Storytime routine at home. Start watching Baby Storytime at Home on Instagram. We hope you try these activities at home!