The Sacramento Public Library accepts donations of books and other material in good condition. Some items may be added to our collection or passed along to the Friends of the Sacramento Public Library-- a support organization-- and sold in used book sales to generate funds for the library. Donations are accepted at all locations and an acknowledgement form is provided upon request.
Because of limitations of space, money and staff, the library does reserve the right to accept or discard, at its discretion, any donated materials.
What kind of donations does the Sacramento Public Library accept?
The library accepts books, magazines and other media in good condition, which may be added to the collection. The library cannot add items in poor condition to the collection. The following list describes examples of poor condition:
· Materials with torn pages, excessively worn covers
· Materials with yellowed, brittle pages or damaged bindings
· Dirty, dusty items
· Stained, water damaged, mildewed items
· Materials with excessive notes or highlighting
· Scratched or worn media
Authors who live within the boundaries of Sacramento County may donate one copy of their book to be added to the Local Author collection at the Central Library.
The Sacramento Public Library does not purchase unsolicited materials or act in lieu of professional review sources. The Library accepts donated copies of self-published books but does not guarantee inclusion in the collection. Items donated to the Library become the property of the Library and may not be returned to the donating party.
What does the Sacramento Public Library do with donations?
Your donation benefits the library and is greatly appreciated. Donations may be added to the collection, although the majority of items are given to the Friends of the Library and sold at used book sales. The Friends generously donate the proceeds back to the library to fund programming and to purchase other library materials.
Where and when can I donate my books?
Donations are accepted at any of our libraries, although some locations may be unable to accept due to space considerations. Please bring donations during library open hours in small boxes or bags that can be easily carried. Library staff are not able to pick up donations from a person’s home and are generally unable to carry boxes into the library from vehicles.
The Friends of the Sacramento Public Library also accept donations of materials. Large quantities may be taken to the Friends warehouse during open hours.
If you don’t add my books to the collection, can I get them back?
Materials donated to the library must be unconditional and they are non-returnable.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. However, by law, library staff cannot determine the value of a donation for IRS purposes. We will provide a form acknowledging the donation you made to the library.
Where can I get more information about items I want to donate?
Visit your neighborhood library, call our telephone information service at 916-264-2920, or the Friends warehouse at 916-731-8493.