Writer's Corner

BiblioBoard Publishing Resources

Find tools to write and publish a book and ways to publish, format, and discover indie books.

Create with PressBooks
Use Pressbooks to create, edit, format, and generate print-ready and eBook formats for your unique story—no matter how far along it may be. Sign in with your BiblioBoard account to create your user profile, access this easy-to-use software, and bring your story to life.

Share with the Indie Author Project
With the Indie Author Project local, independent authors can share their work with a community that includes public libraries, authors, curators, and readers. You have the opportunity to gain exposure across California and beyond in addition to annual contests and a year-round discovery program designed to help indie authors reach more readers through the library.

Discover the BiblioBoard Library
Find your next favorite author from BiblioBoard's selection of independent authors. Discover the best-submitted books, a Community Reads collection, and more with no hold, checkout or lending limits.