
Storytimes for caregivers and children 0 – 5

Join us for songs, rhymes, movement activities and stories designed to support early learning skills for children 0 – 5.

A group of young kids and caregivers join library staff in throwing colorful scarves in the air during storytime.
Storytime Schedule 

A happy baby sits on their caregiver’s lap during baby storytime at the library.

Watch Storytime on YouTube below:

Sensory Storytime
Watch Sensory Storytime on YouTube, which consists of short, single activity videos that allow you to create your own storytime experience by choosing what type of storytime activity you want to focus on. Select between videos that focus on movement, music, stories and at-home activities. Families with young children or with special needs will enjoy our sensory storytime at your fingertips. 


Song & Rhyme Storytime 
Join librarians for silly songs and rhymes on YouTube.