Access to trustworthy information leads to better health outcomes. October is Health Literacy Month, a time to take charge of your health and get connected to trusted health resources with help from Sacramento Public Library. We'll feature programs from experts on all kinds of health topics to help you and your family stay healthy.
Health Literacy Month Events
Finding Health Information You Can Trust (October 1 at 10 a.m.)
Join us for the virtual presentation: "Finding Health Information You Can Trust," presented by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM). False health news can spread quickly across social media and it can be harmful to your health. An educator from NNLM will help guide you to reliable, trustworthy health resources. In this presentation, you will learn:
- Tips for evaluating online health information - both to spot reliable and unreliable health information
- A list of quality online health information resources
- And how to use the National Library of Medicine's primary consumer health database, MedlinePlus
Health Screenings: What You Need to Know (October 15 at 10 a.m.)
Prevention is the best medicine. Visiting your doctor for regular check-ups and getting recommended health screenings and vaccinations can help prevent you from serious illness or complications from chronic diseases. Before getting a health screening test, it is important to know what is involved and which screenings are best for you. Join Martha Geraty from Health Net to learn about the importance of health screenings, recommended screenings and immunizations for all ages, and questions to ask your doctor.
Event details
Bocadillos Saludables paralos Niños (16 de octubre a las 11 a.m.)
Invitamos a los padres y a los niños a que acompañen al Health Education Council (HEC, o Consejo de Educación para la Salud) para conocer el plan MyPlate y los alimentos "Go Slow Woah." HEC le ayudará a aprender a reconocer los alimentos que son las mejores opciones para un cuerpo sano. ¡Reúna los siguientes ingredientes y prepare una merienda saludable y deliciosa en casa!
Este programa será en español.
Cocinando en Casa: Sopa de Tortilla (21 de octubre a las 6 p.m.)
Acompáñenos en el programa "Cocinar en casa," presentado por el Concilio de Liderazgo Latino. Los participantes aprenderán cómo la comida es una parte importante de las culturas latinas y luego prepararán un plato nutritivo y sabroso - sopa de tortilla. ¡Reúna los siguientes ingredientes y cocine en casa!
Este programa será en español.
Healthy Snacks for Kids (October 23 at 11 a.m.)
Parents and children are invited to join the Health Education Council (HEC) to learn about the We Can! food categories (1. Go, 2. Slow, 3. Whoa) foods. HEC will help you learn how to recognize foods that are the better choices for a healthy body. Join us for this fun workshop and for the delicious food demonstration on a simple and healthy recipe you can make at home. Click below to get the ingredient list to follow along.
Communicating With Your Child's Pediatrician (October 29 at 10 a.m.)
Join us for "Communicating with Your Child's Pediatrician," presented by Health Net. Establishing a good relationship with your child's pediatrician can have a positive impact on your child's health and well-being. Dr. Douglas Gross, MD, PhD, UC Davis Medical Center Department of Pediatrics will share tips on:
- What to expect at your child's visit
- Reliable internet sources for children's health information
- How to follow up with the doctor
- Various ways to communicate with the doctor
- How to share concerns and ask questions
Health Literacy Month Book List